Best Sales Gamification Apps - expert review


In today's highly competitive business landscape, keeping your sales team motivated, engaged, and driven to perform at their best is more important than ever. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through sales gamification - the art of leveraging game mechanics to boost sales performance and productivity. With a plethora of sales gamification platforms available in the market, it can be challenging to decide which one is the best fit for your organization. That's why we've taken the time to analyze and review the top sales gamification platforms, so you can make an informed decision that will propel your sales team to new heights.

In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the world of sales gamification, exploring the benefits it can bring to your sales force, as well as the key features you should consider when evaluating different platforms. We will then present our top picks for the most innovative, user-friendly, and effective sales gamification platforms, complete with in-depth reviews and real-world examples of how they've transformed sales teams across various industries. Whether you're a seasoned sales manager or a budding entrepreneur looking to supercharge your sales efforts, this article is your ultimate guide to harnessing the power of gamification for sales success. So, let's dive in and explore the game-changing world of sales gamification platforms!


Ambition is a cutting-edge sales gamification platform designed to elevate sales team performance by harnessing the power of real-time data, goal-setting, and friendly competition. Focused on driving engagement, motivation, and productivity, Ambition offers a comprehensive solution to help organizations create a dynamic and goal-oriented sales culture.

Key features of Ambition include:

Personalized Scorecards: Ambition's unique scorecard system enables organizations to set individual, team, and company-wide goals, tracking progress and performance against Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in real-time. This data-driven approach allows sales reps to understand their strengths and areas for improvement, while empowering managers with insights to provide targeted coaching and support.

Automated Contests and Leaderboards: Ambition's platform facilitates the creation of customizable contests, enabling sales teams to engage in friendly competition based on specific KPIs. The leaderboards provide an exciting and transparent way to showcase achievements, spurring sales reps to strive for peak performance.

TV Channel and Custom Alerts: With the Ambition TV Channel feature, companies can create visually engaging displays of real-time performance data, contests, and leaderboards. Custom alerts can be set up to celebrate individual and team milestones, fostering a culture of recognition and encouragement.

Integration and Analytics: Ambition seamlessly integrates with popular CRM systems, sales tools, and communication platforms, ensuring smooth data flow and enhanced collaboration. Its robust analytics capabilities provide valuable insights into sales performance trends, helping managers make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

By providing a dynamic and engaging environment, Ambition helps organizations unlock the full potential of their sales teams, boosting motivation, collaboration, and ultimately, driving better results.

App screenshots

Pricing: Starting at $75 per user per month at a basic plan

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Brief description of the product:

SalesScreen is a robust and versatile sales gamification platform that aims to enhance productivity, engagement, and motivation among sales teams by transforming daily tasks into exciting and rewarding experiences. By integrating elements of competition, collaboration, and recognition, SalesScreen fosters a high-performance sales culture that drives results.

List of key features:

Sales Competitions: SalesScreen offers a wide range of customizable contests and challenges, designed to encourage friendly competition and keep sales teams motivated to reach their goals. Leaderboards and Recognition: Real-time leaderboards showcase individual and team achievements, while a range of customizable rewards and recognition options help reinforce positive behaviors and celebrate successes. Customizable Dashboards: SalesScreen provides user-friendly dashboards, enabling sales reps and managers to track progress, visualize performance, and identify trends. Integrations and API: SalesScreen integrates seamlessly with popular CRM systems, sales tools, and communication platforms, ensuring smooth data synchronization and collaboration across the organization. Mobile App: The platform's mobile app keeps sales reps engaged and informed on-the-go, enabling them to track their progress, receive notifications, and participate in contests from their mobile devices.

App screenshots:


Starting at $99 per user per month on the basic plan.


Final summary:

SalesScreen is a comprehensive sales gamification platform that combines competition, collaboration, and recognition to drive sales team engagement and performance. With a range of customizable features, seamless integrations, and a user-friendly mobile app, SalesScreen provides a dynamic and motivating solution for organizations seeking to boost productivity and elevate their sales culture.

